America’s movement toward chaos and secession

From time to time I like to take stock in all of the issues that, one would assume, that if listed and added to a conversation with a far-left liberal, you could certainly open their minds to an alternative point of view. And, after listing some of the more staggering insanities pushed by the left, I ask myself, why? With all of the issues I’ll discuss below, what is the end goal with the “left” in this country? Why do they want all of us to sign up for this? Why does George Soros, and the far-left, give massive amounts of money to the campaign’s of progressive DA’s? Clearly the cities these DA’s are running are hell holes, rife with crime and disorder. Why do people continue to vote for these DA’s (if you’re faithful to the voting system being legitimate)? Chaos!

Black Lives Matter don’t give a damn about black people. Teacher’s Union’s don’t give a damn about students. The feminist’s in this country don’t give a damn about women. And the Antifa mobs don’t give a damn about preventing fascism. All these groups, all these far-left liberal billionaires giving money to Super PAC’s to elect radicals, and the dark undertow that puppet’s the Biden Administration don’t give a damn about America, they want to destroy it from within. And why? Imagine two America’s one that would be born out of the successful implementation of the policies and movements I’ll describe below, and then a more moderate or conservative America. When you look at the two America’s side by side, you can only conclude that the far-left liberal policies running America 2.0 would be a chaotic hellscape! Whatever your motivations are for hating America, creating a chaotic hellscape is the only way to tear it down!

Issue #1 – The proliferation of biological lies that men can become women, and women can become men. According to a UCLA study using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System 1.6 Million people 13 and over identify as Transgender. 300,000 of those people are age 13-17. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders categorizes a “gender incongruence” that causes distress as gender dysphoria. It no longer categorizes transgenderism as a mental disorder as diagnosed gender dysphoria. Changes to these psychiatric bibles was meant to remove the stigma of these diagnoses, and avoid the discrimination of being diagnosed with a mental disorder. It’s said, not all transgender people have a mental disorder. That may be true, but have you seen some of the transgender activism lately? It’s violent, chaotic, and extremely unnecessary. From such a small group, comes such a loud movement. Why? Why seed chaos when you can just go about your life as you are? Instead, we 320 Million other American’s have to change our grammar to show inclusion and respect for such a gender non-conforming religion. America doesn’t have the best track record for inclusion, but where else in the world can you express yourself in ways other people in far more bigoted countries might not?

There have been four examples over the past five years in which the assailant in a shooting identified as trans or nonbinary: the November killing of five at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado; a 2019 shooting at a Denver-area school by two shooters, one of them a trans man, that left one student dead and eight wounded; a 2018 shooting at a Maryland warehouse that left four dead, including the shooter; and the shooting Monday in Nashville. Mass shootings are mental illnesses – why should any trans or nonbinary person be excluded from that diagnosis?

The transgender movement to the far-left is fundamentally changing social structures in this country, systemically seeping into legislation, weakening our military, destroying educational boundaries, and underpinning a self-censoring, if not an outright censorship, of our once right to free speech. The women in this country are afraid to speak out because of the blowback they would get from objecting to the legislation that’s taking away their civil rights. Title IX is in the crosshairs of the Biden Administration when just last week the Department of Education released changes to it’s regulations on students’ eligibility for athletic teams. The proposed rule would establish that policies violate Title IX when they categorically ban transgender students from participating on sports teams consistent with their gender identity just because of who they are. The proposed rule also recognizes that in some instances, particularly in competitive high school and college athletic environments, some schools may adopt policies that limit transgender students’ participation. The proposed rule would provide schools with a framework for developing eligibility criteria that protects students from being denied equal athletic opportunity, while giving schools the flexibility to develop their own participation policies. The State of Connecticut receives about $41 Billion in federal funding from the Department of Education. Kiss that goodbye if schools violate the proposed rules for Title IX.

Is this type of “wokeness” effecting military recruitment? Congressman Jim Banks who leads the House Armed Services Committee personnel subpanel stated, “Wokeness at the DoD has harmed recruitment, retention and morale, wasted service members’ time and taxpayer’s dollars, and undermined the apolitical character of the military, which is a major threat to democracy and the American way of life.” Recruitment in the Army fell short by 15,000 soldiers of a 60,000 soldier recruitment goal last year. However, a survey of 2400 young Americans cited, “the top three reasons survey respondents cited for not wanting to join the military were fear of death, worries about post-traumatic stress disorder, and leaving friends and family,” according to the Army’s public affairs office. Meanwhile, just 5% of respondents listed “wokeness” as an issue, according to the newswire. By contrast, 13% said they believe women and minorities will face discrimination and not get the same opportunities. The Army has yet to release the full results of the survey citing conflicts of interest.

According to an article on, “In the U.S. military, the first on-base drag show is believed to have been held at Kadena Air Base, Japan, in 2014.” While military officials have sometimes given in to criticism of the events, such as the canceled Drag Queen Story Hour at Ramstein last year, they have also defended hosting drag shows to boost morale and acceptance. “Ensuring our ranks reflect and are inclusive of the American people is essential to the morale, cohesion and readiness of the military,” a Nellis Air Base base spokesman told Yahoo News in 2021. “Nellis Air Force Base is committed to providing and championing an environment that is characterized by equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion.”


Issue #2 – Gender affirming care for children. I’m no medical expert, but in my opinion it’s child abuse to allow a child to decide that the only way to “affirm” his/her gender is to make life changing alterations to their body under the disguise of gender affirming care for children. Doctor’s and parent’s should be prosecuted under the law as child abusers, and should receive the harshest punishments under the law! In the same vein, again my opinion, it should be a crime to teach gender ideology in Elementary School. Drag queen story hour, drag shows for kids, gender ideology in education curriculums, all of it is a crime. Children are our most impressionable people, and feeding their confused heads with very ADULT decisions should be prosecuted. If a kid is confused about whether he or she is a boy or girl should be treated as any other stressor in a kids life – through therapy. NOT mutilating their bodies to conform to their immature ideation of being of the opposite gender to their God given sex.

Issue #3 – Climate alarmism. Policy after policy, billions after billions is being exalted from the Biden Administration as a climate crisis, and they firmly believe inflating the US economy, weakening the dollar, and destroying energy independence is the only way to change the weather. And why? We are far more successful building climate mitigation and adaption technologies than we are at creating technologies that would change the weather. Nuclear energy is the most reliable, cleanest form of energy available. It produces far more energy than any other “clean” technology with far less carbon emissions. But when was the last nuclear power plant built? The last nuclear power plant was built in 2016 in Tennessee. Prior to that, 1996!! Also, in Tennessee. The demand for nuclear is steadily rising, yet the most demand is coming from China and Russia. Meanwhile, the US destroys it’s energy sector by giving into climate activists, while China and India maintain over 1400 coal plants to the US’s 225. The Biden Administration has quelled drilling on federal land and killed huge pipeline construction (while approving foreign pipelines, and then blowing one up). The Biden Administration returned the US to importing oil from countries that hate the US, leaving us beholden to the very volatile oil commodities market that drives gas and home heating prices so high it burns the pocket books of every American but hurts lower-income families more. Oops – forgot about them. They also forget oil home heating accounts for 5.3 Million homes in America. According to a 2017 report by the Department of Health and Human Services, low income households average budget account for 25% of home energy expenditures, and 6.1% of those 5.3 Million homes are low income households. Converting oil to another form of energy is near impossible for low income homes; for anybody for that matter. And, for what? Virtue signaling a tiny but loud base of progressives in the Democratic party, all in a bid to remain in power and Power = Money!

According to a report by the Cato Institute, “the entire transportation sector accounts for 29% of U.S. greenhouse gases, according to the Energy Information Agency. But Transportation includes airplanes, trains, buses, large trucks, and pipelines. According to their “Transportation Energy Data Book“, passenger cars and light trucks account for only 56.6% of the energy used in transportation. Since transportation‐​related greenhouse gases are almost entirely from energy use, and transportation contributes 29% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, that means passenger vehicles account for roughly 16.4% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.” The report goes on to conclude, “Remember that the U.S. accounts for only 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions (compared with 30% for China). That means U.S. passenger vehicles contribute only 16.4% to the country’s 15% share of global greenhouse gas emissions – less than 2.5%. But for the U.S. to achieve a 2.5% greenhouse gas reduction through this narrow channel would require abolishing and destroying all U.S. passenger vehicles.” The least expensive Tesla, the 50 kWh battery on the Standard Range Plus Model 3 (250 mile range), costs on average $0.044 per mile in electricity costs versus $0.14 per mile on average to fuel a gas powered car. At 15,000 miles per year that’s $660 a year in electricity costs versus $2,100 per year in gas. A 2023 Tesla Standard Range Plus Model 3 base list price is $42,990. Installing a charger in your home will run you around $1500. A 2023 Honda Civic (listed as one of the most fuel efficient car of 2023) base list price is $26,450 with no costs for a home gas pump. The Honda Civic has an average fuel efficiency of 36 miles per gallon and a 12.4 gallon tank for a whopping 446 miles of range!! A five year total cost of operations of a Model 3 vs Civic EX is $47,790 vs $36,950 respectively. So for a 2.5% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (and we didn’t even go into the increased emissions from energy production if every home owned an EV vehicle) why so much outsized obsession to attack the automobile in favor of an electric car?!

Issue #4 – Foreign money lobbying and election interference. Climate alarmism is destroying our energy industry, and the special interest money pouring in to support it’s destruction is scary! “Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss spent nearly $73 million to influence American politics and policy, routing most of that money through the Arabella Advisors network,” Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director for watchdog group Americans for Public Trust (APT), told Fox News Digital. “Without offering any evidence, Mr. Wyss’ groups insist that his foreign money does not end up in partisan electoral activities.”

“But now we have proof that the climate groups he funds funneled money to specifically target Biden voters in key states,” she continued. “This dangerous pattern of giving by the left’s largest foreign mega-donor warrants immediate congressional oversight.”

According to tax filings obtained by APT and shared with Fox News Digital, a single anonymous donor, likely Wyss himself, wired a staggering $278.9 million to the Berger Action Fund between April 2021 and March 2022. The group in turn contributed $72.7 million to 12 separate dark-money organizations.

The League of Conservationists Voters (LCV) was among the 12 groups and received $3.5 million from Wyss’ nonprofit. Other groups, including the Center for Popular Democracy, Moms Rising Together, National Redistricting Action Fund, and WorkMoney, received millions of dollars in additional contributions from the Berger Action Fund. The groups are involved in political campaigns. By contrast, the oft vilified National Rifle Association (NRA) spent $2.5 Million in 2022 lobbying gun legislation.

George Soros is an evil villain horny to destroy America from within. His main target is funding Progressive DA’s in order to create a chaotic, deadly American city in which they run. When one of his PAC’s successfully supplant policy intent on destroying America, he walks naked through his house with a raging viagra hard-on humping the air like a poodle in heat.

A January article in the New York Post pegs George Soros as the “most dangerous man in America.” From the article, “Soros spent more than $40 million on installing left-wing DAs and other officials in big cities around the country. The candidates he backed and their allies now represent at least one-fifth of Americans and include crime-lovers like Manhattan’s own Alvin “Let ‘Em Loose” Bragg; Philly’s Larry Krasner, whose “reforms” brought 516 homicides in 2022; LA’s George Gascón, whose city has seen burglaries skyrocket; and Chicago’s Kim Foxx, who initially let two gangbangers skate for a daylight shootout amid horrific crime numbers.” Soros’s network of funding through all of his PAC’s has planted 75 dangerous, progressive DA’s across the country. “Soros’ nonprofit empire counts topline journos at NBC, the Washington Post, and Reuters as members of its various boards. He’s a huge giver to ProPublica and to NPR and spent at least $131 million from 2016 to 2020 to back literally hundreds of activist media groups that promote his lefty views on crime, gender and capitalism — as well as handily stepping in to dismiss all criticism of the billionaire as somehow being anti-Semitic.” He funds and staffs top media Executives, and owns several “fact check” sites in Europe and the US. “The next generation of Americans is already being prepped to march along the same ideological lines. Soros’ Open Society Foundations budgeted $63 million in 2020 alone for efforts to shape higher education. His cash has funded programs like the “Bard Palestinian Youth Initiative,” a Georgetown effort aiming to radicalize our judiciary and a literal class on “Abolishing Prisons and the Police.” He’s promised a potential, staggering $500 million to Bard. Get them while they’re young and tomorrow belongs to you.”

And why? He backs prosecutors who don’t prosecute crimes, he backs a press intoxicated on spreading lies, conspiracies and suppression of information, and is tightly aligned with Big Tech to socially engineer the United States zombies glued to their phones, and he’s raptured the education elites in this country to teach our kids to hate this country. And why? Up next I’ll talk about the World Economic Forum where he’s tightly aligned with a World Social Experiment to eliminate the freedoms we’ve enjoyed for hundreds of years. They hate America, they hate white people, and they want this country destroyed through chaos.

Issue #5 – Klaus Schwab and George Soros are the new Fourth Reich – The World Economic Forum. JB Shurk wrote in American Thinker about the World Economic forum, “Whenever I listen to Klaus Schwab and his Davos Death Cult buddies openly discuss their plans for world domination, I always think, “Are we really going to let another power-hungry German walk us into global conflagration?” And, “… as the world’s 1% of the 1% celebrate their own magnificence in Davos and plot mankind’s future without even the pretense of seeking mankind’s consultation, let alone permission. “The future is not just happening,” Schwab proclaimed to his SPECTRE-like cabal in Switzerland. “The future is built by us, by a powerful community such as you here in this room.” Our country’s elite and powerful political leaders are lining up with the rest of the world behind this German idealogue – remember 1933 and the rise of Third Reich? Welcome to the Fourth Reich! Finally, “In reality, a “rules-based international order” is antithetical to American liberty and independence. It undermines the power and self-determination of ordinary Americans and empowers the technocratic assembly of self-identified “experts.” It disregards the democratic interests of Americans generally and imposes the will of the über-1% upon everyone else. It sacrifices American law for international agreements. It substitutes government-approved speech for free speech. It destroys privacy while justifying mass surveillance. It transfers Americans’ control over their personal wealth to the intermediary machinations of money-printing central banks. It elevates the power of global governing bodies over the statutory authority of local jurisdictions. It fortifies the intrusive reach of an unelected bureaucracy while weakening protections for individual rights. It resurrects, in other words, a feudal system where a small number of lords and ladies hoard power over a borderless economic zone whose surviving serfs are expected to “own nothing and be happy” or else. When “elites” cooperate among themselves, they take what they can, regulate what they can’t, and shiv everyone else. That’s the World Economic Forum in a nutshell.” Soros takes over the US, Schwab takes over the rest of the world – it’s a deadly combo that cannot continue to exist!

Robert Jackson, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court and the US Chief of Counsel at the Nuremberg Trials, once wrote, “Therein is the most dangerous power of the prosecutor: that he will pick people that he thinks he should get, rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted. With the law books filled with a great assortment of crimes, a prosecutor stands a fair chance of finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of almost anyone. In such a case, it is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it, it is a question of picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him. It is in this realm-in which the prosecutor picks some person whom he dislikes or desires to embarrass, or selects some group of unpopular persons and then looks for an offense, that the greatest danger of abuse of prosecuting power lies. It is here that law enforcement becomes personal, and the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.” Prosecuting Trump is the final breaking point of our country – there’s no turning back from Robert Jackson’s prediction of perverting raw power and the weaponization of the justice system against political opponents. But there’s more…..

Issue #6 – The Democratic Party is the new Nazi Party. Similarities between the two that will scare you. While we’re talking about an Evil rise of powerful elites socially engineering a New World Order, comes a political party in the US that is now so eerily mirrored to the Nazi Party, it is too obvious to ignore. Again, from American Thinker – I love these guys, “First, racial and ethnic division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy. The Nazi Party was the most racially obsessed political party in human history. Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. The Nazis used “fake news,” as does the Democrat party, in order to slice and dice the populace into identity groups and then promulgate grievance-riddled policies aimed at these manufactured factions in order to foment anger at a previously isolated group. Which for the Nazis were the Jews; and for the Democrat party, white heterosexual Christians and Jews.

Second, In the 1920s and early 1930s, the Nazi Party relied on street riots, property damage and gratuitous violence utilizing their militant cadre, the Sturmabteilung (SA), to project power through intimidation while blaming others for the violence. Their ability to terrorize the citizenry and national political leadership played a major role in their ascendance to power as they promised peace and impartial justice if elected. Almost immediately upon assuming the reins of government, they transformed the judicial system into a vehicle of oppression directed their political foes and the Jews while their allies were not prosecuted for any criminal activity. The Democrat party revealed in the summer of 2020 that they, too, have the wherewithal and inclination to acquiesce to street riots, property damage and gratuitous violence utilizing their militant cadre, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, to project power through intimidation while blaming white supremacy and police brutality for the violence. In the presidential campaign of 2020, the Democrat party implicitly promised peace and impartial justice if elected. Almost immediately upon assuming the reins of government, they transformed the Justice Department into a vehicle of oppression directed at their political foes, Donald Trump and all Constitutional conservatives, while their allies were either not prosecuted or treated extraordinarily leniently.

The Democrat party seized upon in all likelihood a setup disturbance at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 to proclaim that it was an “armed insurrection” and the opening salvo in a violent coup attempt by Trump, his supporters and white supremacists. Using this pretext, the Democrats rushed to arrest and harshly prosecute those in attendance in order to intimidate their political enemies. In the footsteps of the Nazi Party, the Democrats immediately pushed to pass the For The People Act, which would have overturned virtually all existing voter laws, embedded the Democrats as the sole dominant political party and ensured that only the Democrats could win future elections.

Third, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support them. Further, per socialist dogma, they were determined to destroy the family structure, replacing it with the state. The Nazis were notorious for book-burning rituals to intimidate and send the message that they would shut down anyone and anything that did not align with their ideology. Once in control of the national levers of powers, they did so with impunity particularly in the education sector whose revised primary purpose was to brainwash the youth.

The Democrat Party is figuratively burning books as it uses social media mobs as the vehicle to send the message that they will shut down anyone or anything that does not align with their ideology. Further, they, in league with the teachers’ unions, are hellbent on programming America’s youth and destroying the family structure replacing it with the state.

Fourth, the Nazis perfected the art of indoctrinating the citizenry through propaganda and “fake news.” Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, is credited with saying: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

This strategy has been and continues to be used to great success by the Democrat party and their fellow travelers in the so-called mainstream media. Whether it is the Russian collusion hoax, the so-called armed insurrection on January 6, 2021, climate change as an existential threat to mankind, suppression of voting rights, white supremacy running rampant, the necessity of lockdowns for the COVID pandemic or a myriad of other fabrications, the Party hierarchy lies with impunity as a means to their ends… as did the Nazis.”

Issue #7 – Opening the door to China buying America, and a trade deal set to sink the US Dollar as the world currency. China and 18 other countries own millions of farmland acreage. Surprisingly, China ranks 18th on the Land Owners Report, however between 2019 and 2020 China’s ownership leaped 30% to it’s current ownership of 384,000 acres. The most controversial purchase was a cornmill close to a North Dakota Air Force base. But the controversial ownership of US farmland isn’t the latest sellout in America. Gretchen Witmer’s Michigan will invest $1.1 Billion partnering with a CCP owned Gotion Inc. $907 Million dollars will come in the form of tax breaks. U.S. Rep. John Moolenaar, R-Midland, penned an op-ed in The Detroit News questioning references in Gotion High Tech’s bylaws about “requiring loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party.” Bill Gates is No. 41 on The Land Report’s 2022 list of Americans who own the most land. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos comes in at No. 24 with 420,000 acres, which forms the site of his suborbital spaceflight company, Blue Origin. These two geeks can’t come together and build batteries? We need plant the CCP dead in the middle of Michigan to build batteries and further enrich the CCP?

After Antony Blinken got his ass handed to him by the Chinese delegation in a summit in Alaska, China continues to forge forward to embarrass the US. The BRICS nations- Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa- have explored issuing a joint reserve currency to bypass the dollar and other major Western currencies. Moreover, Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, and the United Arab Emirates have begun exploring alternatives to the US dollar when paying for oil, with the vast majority of energy contracts invoiced in US dollars. For energy-importing countries, this means that higher energy prices are exacerbated by an appreciating US dollar.

In conclusion, the move by Brazil and China to bypass the US dollar when paying for trade goods is a significant step towards China’s long-term goal of establishing the yuan as the dominant international currency. The trend of exploring alternatives to the US dollar is unmistakable, with countries seeking alternative financial systems to insulate themselves from Washington’s social and economic instability and its use of sanctions as a political tool. Bullying sovereign nations with a weakening dollar is like fighting with wet spaghetti. The Ruble, Rupee and Yuan are rising currencies – so too is India’s technical dominance in payment systems. America needs new leadership and fast, or you might see Red China rolling down 5th Ave in NYC.

Issue #8 – The Democrats new race war. You want to pit two races against each other, pass reparations policy nationwide. According to a 2021 Pew Research poll, 3 in 10 Americans believe descendants of slaves should be repaid in some way. How about a $5 Million up-front payment, elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, $97,000 guaranteed annual salary for 250 years and the opportunity to buy a home for $1? That’s San Francisco’s proposed reparations solution – from a city in a state that had no slaves. The California Reparations Task Force is proposing to Gavin Newsome a solution for the state apart from any other planned solution such as San Francisco. California Task force recommended $223,000 per person, again apart from any City payments or even Federal payments if reparations were ever to be passed by the US Congress.

And, there’s no shortage of money the government is willing to welfare out! According to economists at the University of Chicago, 68% of Americans working in 2019 prior to the pandemic were eligible to receive benefits that far out pace lost wages following pandemic related job losses. Some payments were estimated to be 134% above their original wage. Also stating that, “A substantial minority of those workers, particularly in low-wage professions like food service and janitorial work, may end up receiving more than 150 percent of their previous weekly salary.” The Democrat solution to the pandemic was to pay people to stay home, and since lower-income families were disproportionally affected by the shut downs, low-income families benefitted more from pandemic payments than other income classes.

The famous Harvard economist Thomas Sowell once wrote in his weekly syndicated newspaper column “A Legacy of Liberalism”, “… we might compare where blacks stood a hundred years after the end of slavery with where they stood after 30 years of the liberal welfare state. In other words, we could compare hard evidence on “the legacy of slavery” with hard evidence on the legacy of liberals. Despite the grand myth that black economic progress began or accelerated with the passage of the civil rights laws and “war on poverty” programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960. This was before any of those programs began. Over the next 20 years, the poverty rate among blacks fell another 18 percentage points, compared to the 40-point drop in the previous 20 years. This was the continuation of a previous economic trend, at a slower rate of progress, not the economic grand deliverance proclaimed by liberals and self-serving black “leaders.”

Sowell continues his comparison between liberal policy destruction of black progress versus the first half of the 20th century, “Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed “legacy of slavery” they talk about.” Hard to argue his point. Democrats need race chaos to continue to addict American’s to liberal, “free” programs. But, rather accept historical fact, Democrats peddle lies to gain power.

Issue #9 – The Border Crisis. Over 800 migrants have died at the US-Mexico border while trying to illegally enter the country in 2022, and an average 8,000 illegal migrants try to cross our southern border everyday. Those statistics that are staggering, unprecedented in the decades long battle to close the southern border, and the 5 Million people Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and the Biden Administration have allowed into the country is considered by prominent Republicans an impeachable offense. No one denies there’s a problem at the border – it’s Democrats’ response. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that farmers in Florida need illegal immigrants “to pick the crops” as she called for “comprehensive immigration reform” and said there was a shortage of workers in the U.S. Pelosi was asked about whether the southern border is secure, and responded by saying that while “we have a responsibility to secure our border, we also have a responsibility to recognize the importance of newcomers to our nation.” “Right now, the best thing that we can do for our economy is comprehensive immigration reform,” she said. Democratic proposals for such reform typically include sweeping amnesties for illegal immigrants already in the U.S.

Speaking to the press outside the U.S. Capitol grounds, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer declared, “Now more than ever, we’re short of workers, we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the DREAMers and – all of them. Cause our ultimate goal is to help the DREAMers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million, or however many undocumented immigrants.” It’s more like 25 Million Chuck!! Democrats decry the “Great Replacement Theory” as racist and conspiratorial, while at the same time encourage some of the most extreme policies to promote abortion. It’s a very schizophrenic policy declaration – kill babies at record rates, but allow illegal immigrants in to replace the population. That’s the basis of the Great Replacement Theory they call conspiratorial… ouch, my head hurts!

What’s the cure for these deep policy divides? There isn’t one. Secession! Gavin Newsom’s most recent political ad’s in Florida attacking Governor Ron DeSantis sums all the points where Dem’s and R’s will NEVER come together and find common ground to pass sensible policies to help all American’s. Those are the points that are at the heart of the divide in America and those scars will never heal. “Florida’s Republican leaders are banning books, making it harder to vote, restricting speech in classrooms, even criminalizing women and doctors. Join us in California where we still believe in Freedom, Freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate, and freedom to love.” The California governor was referring to Florida’s ban on critical race theory in classrooms, prohibition of instruction related to sexual orientation and gender identity for kids in kindergarten through the fourth grade and the state’s 15-week abortion ban. There’s enough WRONG with what Newsom has done to California. All you need to do is drive around and look at the destruction in once great cities like LA and San Fran. His COVID response was hypocritically oppressive. Despite the toughest gun legislation in the country, California leads the field as the home for more mass shootings than any other state in the country.

The media has so suppressed the truth and raptured the Democrat and Independent voter, that there’s no way these people will ever hear an alternative viewpoint or hear a story that would matter in their voting decisions, ie. the Hunter Biden laptop story, what “actually” happened on Jan. 6, the truth about conservative policy, John Fetterman is fit to serve, etc. If you ever want to feel thoroughly dirty, spend a week reading MSNBC’s website. I can’t bear to watch their shows they just make me angry, and left feeling that what I’m watching is criminal.

Some of my Democrat family believe the Biden Administration is “doing a good job”. And, despite all that I wrote above, 80 Million voters will continue to vote Democrat, will continue to put Governor’s like Gavin Newsom in office despite the decomposition of the great state of California, and just this week Chicagoans voted in a Mayor that’s even more far left than his predecessor Lori Lightfoot. Brandon Johnson is an open racist and believes in defunding the police – defunding the police in THE MOST VIOLENT CITY IN AMERICA!! “If we are just simply looking at putting more money into policing, that has demonstrated a strategy that is certainly short sighted. The comprehensive approach that we have put forth is something the city of Chicago has openly embraced.” Speaking about his campaign, “This is about Black labor versus white wealth. That’s what this battle is about,” Johnson responded. “This is about providing community access to the very public accommodations which Black people fought for, especially after emancipation. It’s what the descendants of slaves in this room are fighting for: public education, public transportation, affordable housing, healthcare and access to jobs.” As if these programs aren’t in reach for black Chicagoans? He fights for public education, yet he sends his kids (school choice anyone?) to Kenwood Academy, a magnate school in the Kenwood section of Chicago, a relatively safer place to enjoy the city. Not the public schools! Chicago public schools have an average math proficiency score of 19% (versus the Illinois public school average of 26%, thanks JB Prisker), and reading proficiency score of 22% (versus the 31% statewide average). The National Average is 36% and 33% respectively. Pretty poor for a nation where public school funding is the #1 budget item in every State.

I can write ten more pages of lies from the Democratic party – Five officers died on Jan. 6, the suppression of the Nashville shooter manifesto, the war in Ukraine, and everything is Trump’s fault from the border to inflation to withdrawal in Afghanistan. It’s sickening and aggravating, and Democrats don’t care – they’ll continue to pull the lever for Chaos.

The cure? Secession.