
A simple word. Democrats, given their creative language gymnastics, would likely word salad “dumb” into “intellectually challenged” or “person of restricted intellect”. But the word “dumb”, with it’s punishingly perfect single syllable affect, punches hard into the receiving ear. When spoken about a person, it is an unmistakable adjective that cannot be misinterpreted.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are dumb.

Democrats typically elevate very smart people. Despite Tim Walz trying to denigrate JD Vance going to Yale and ignorantly bragging about 24 of his students not being able to achieve an acceptance into Yale, most of the speakers at the DNC went to very good, even prestigious universities. Barack Obama went to Columbia and then to Harvard where he was President of Harvard Law Review. Michelle Obama went to Princeton and then Harvard. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and graduated from Georgetown and Yale, where he met Hillary who also graduated from Yale. Many legendary and respected Democrats went to very prestigious schools. They were smart. Jimmy Carter’s (Georgia Institute of Technology and US Naval Academy) policies may have been dumb and nearly destroyed America, but he was hardly a dumb person. FDR for all of his failed policies that lengthened the Great Depression by arguably eight years, he went to Harvard.

Four of the five Senators that filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for 60 days were Democrats. All four went to schools in the Top 50, excluding Robert Byrd. Byrd eventually got is law degree from George Washington University Law School, but Richard Russell went to the University of Georgia, not on the level of Harvard but hardly an average school. William Fulbright was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University gaining his law degree from George Washington University Law School. Finally, Sam Ervin went to the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. While not “dumb” intellectually, these Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Legislation that was championed by John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. And, YES, Democrats wanted to prevent the legislation from being passed until REPUBLICAN Everett Dirksen, whom I’ve written about in past posts, lobbied enough Republicans to get it passed. Everett went to the University of Minnesota – #54. But he was a Republican, not a member of the self-proclaimed elite class.

By contrast, Joe Biden, according to the far left encyclopedia Wikipedia, “was an unexceptional student.” He graduated at the very bottom of his class at the University of Delaware – ranked rock bottom according to US New and World Reports’ college rankings. Then graduating near dead last at Syracuse University School of Law. Kamala Harris graduated from Howard University, not exactly ranked exceptional by USN&WR, and then scratched out a degree from the University of California College of the Law, San Francisco – both schools are ranked below “union” Joe’s schools. She’s dumber than Joe? Well, she did fail the bar exam on her first pass. But, better yet, when #1 and #2 in an administration that forks over billions of dollars in sophisticated military equipment to the very terrorists you were trying to kill and killing 13 Americans and scores of Afghans in the process, well yeah, she’s dumb. And then there’s Coach Tim. Or Tampon Tim whichever you prefer. Mr. Walz was a graduate of the ever so lofty Chadron State College, before gaining a Master’s Degree (“Master”, there’s another word the Dems are going to have to reimagine) from Minnesota State College, Mankato. That’s how you get Minnesota policy that allows the state to take children from parents who don’t affirm their child’s gender identity, and does not punish health workers who allow babies that survive an abortion to die! Twenty four babies survived an abortion in Minnesota prior to Tim Walz reversing the law. Today healthcare providers are not required to report abortion survivors under Walz, nor are doctors required to provide life saving care to babies that survived execution.

The mark of a dumb person can be found in their speech. In an interview with an equally dumb reporter, “Kamala, how are you going to bring down inflation?” Kamala, “You know I was born in a middle class family, and lived around people that loved their lawns.” Huh? Kamala speaks in constant cliche, as if she’s trying to create the next enduring phrase to be repeated for centuries, like John F. Kennedy. “Unburdened by what has been”, “the significance of the passage of time”, “And that time is everyday. Every day it is time”, “because we know community banks are in the community”, “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you”, and “When we talk about children of the community, they are children of the community.” As the proverb so aptly applies, “It is better to keep your mouth shut so as to not appear stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt.”

These are not highly credentialed politicians. Democrats have consistently self-proclaimed themselves as the “intelligentsia”, the “best and the brightest,” and by all measures are typically well-educated. So how in the world has Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Tim Walz made it this far in their political careers when their “education” is mediocre at best??!!

Puppets. To make America believe men can be women, that pumping trillions of dollars into the economy won’t inflame inflation, change the lexicon from sex change operations to gender affirming care, allow ten’s of millions of illegal immigrants into the country because we need workers (not the great replacement) when in the same breath they ache for legalized abortion resulting in the deaths of over 60 Million AMERICAN “workers” since Roe v Wade, and punish merit while rewarding immutable characteristics because diversity is our strength – to make American’s believe these things, among other deeply corrupt and war mongering behavior, you have to elevate dumb people. ‘Cause only dumb people can be corruptible and commanded by a dark spirit that belials American politics.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are one rigged election away from forcing destructive policies on Americans. Packing the Supreme Court, making DC and Puerto Rico states, EXTREME transgender policy effectively eliminating WOMEN and women’s sports, EXTREME changes to the 1st Amendment including aggressive online censorship, mandatory gun buy-backs and EXTREME 2nd Amendment changes, giving amnesty and citizenship to over 20 Million illegal aliens, and finally codifying child death into law, coring out any opportunity to organic replacement growth. These two dumb people will be shoved aside by the darkest and most powerful swamp creatures this world has ever seen, and they will complete the rotting of America from within. A job that Joe Biden so effectively began after cozying up to the devilish whores that lined his pockets with sweaty, blood soaked money.

Dumb. Please vote.

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