The Party of Science

One of the most disturbing moments of the Presidential debate season was hearing from a mother during a Joe Biden town hall asking Joe Science how he’ll protect her 8 year old daughter from transgender discrimination. Aside from the record scratching, “wait, what?” moment hearing that a mom has allowed her 8 year old child to choose his or her gender identity, was hearing a Presidential candidate endorse gender transition for 8 year old’s.

The “party of science” underscores this endorsement in it’s Party Platform document released by the Democratic National Convention in July 2020. “We will ensure that all transgender and non-binary people can procure official government identification documents that accurately reflect their gender identity.” Joe Science will allow anyone in the Republic to choose it’s gender, and force states to document that choice regardless of the sex of that person assigned at birth. Wonderful.

According to the Pew Research Center, 64% of left leaning voters recognize that “a person’s gender can be different from the sex they were assigned at birth”. SCIENCE! Wait for it, it gets better. The same Pew Survey, “also finds that Democrats with a bachelor’s degree or more education are more likely than other Democrats to say a person’s gender can be different from the sex they were assigned at birth. About three-quarters (77%) of Democrats with a bachelor’s degree or more say this, compared with 60% of Democrats with some college and 57% of those with a high school diploma or less. No such divide exists among Republicans.” On paper, as Democrats get smarter, they actually become more detached from science.

Let’s go nuclear! For fifty years, the Democratic Party’s cornerstone of energy policy has defined nuclear energy expansion homicidal to climate science. A coal plant in the US will drop hundreds of thousands of tons of ash and sludge every year into the environment. But carbon ZERO nuclear power has been absent from any and all Democratic endorsements of energy policy in the US for fifty years. Only in 2020 has the DNC included nuclear power in the club of carbon neutral technologies.

COVID-19’s own Doctor Kevorkian (over 33,000 COVID deaths in New York) Governor Andrew Cuomo, has bullied his deadly, scientific expertise over the past several years in intimidating Entergy to shut down the Indian Point nuclear power plant starting in 2021. According to a January 2017 New York Times article, Cuomo said “the state would invest in wind farms and other renewable energy sources and add transmission lines to carry hydropower from Quebec.” The Indian Point plant produces 2000 megawatts of power supplying a quarter of NYC’s power consumption. A single windmill can produce 1.5 megawatts of power at wind speeds of 12 miles per hour. Do the math! Or, do the science!

And now to COVID. The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who’s refrigerator is larger than an apartment occupied by some impoverished American families, advocated for Chinatown tourist traffic in late February after Trump banned travel from China in late January. So too did Ronald Klain, Biden’s pick for Chief of Staff, criticizing Trump and cautioning public officials making decisions out of fear. Klain wrote, “The first victim of an infectious disease outbreak is often rational decision-making; fear can spread even faster than disease in an era where social media can transmit misinformation in a manner not ironically called ‘going viral,'” wrote he and Nicole Lurie, a former Health and Human Services official under Obama.

“We don’t have a #COVIDー19 epidemic in the US but we are starting to see a fear epidemic,” Klain said in a tweet dated Feb. 13. “Kudos to @NYCMayor (and others) for standing against that.” Klain’s Tweet is a response to another Captain of Science, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. Mayor de Blasio Tweeted on Feb 13 “It was my honor to spend time with our Asian-American owned small businesses in Flushing today. This vibrant community is standing strong but they need YOUR support. Our Chinatowns are open for business — make some dinner plans, do some shopping and stand with our neighbors!”

As we face the potential of a new Biden led Democratic Presidential administration bent on power, perverse with lies of unity and healing, and devoid of any historical thread of scientific anything, what are we to expect from Biden’s COVID-19 Task Force? The “who’s who” reads like a Justice League “BAM! POW!” of endless doctoral expertise. The virus has no chance! Biden has done it! He’s collected 12 bureaucrats designed to talk about what’s already been done – BIDEN WINS!

Wear a mask (check), socially distance (check), limit crowds and travel (check) – wait! except if you’re a California Democrat – it’s quite okay to fly to Hawaii for a policy conference to boondoggle, and return home without quarantining or following California COVID guidelines. Government applies to you California sheep, not the Sheppard’s.

Spare me! The Party of Science is a limp noodle of lies designed, AGAIN (circa 2008 Obama Audacity of Hope), as a simple power grab from the Democratic Party. Got to hand it to them though, the Republicans SUCK at this!