Climate Genius

The Climate Action Tracker is an independent scientific analysis that tracks government climate action and measures it against the globally agreed Paris Agreement aim of “holding warming well below 2°C, and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C.”- according to their website. CAT quantifies and evaluates climate change mitigation targets, policies and action. It also aggregates country action to the global level, determining likely temperature increases during the 21st century using the MAGICC climate model. CAT covers all the biggest emitters and a representative sample of smaller emitters covering about 80% of global emissions and approximately 70% of global population.

The Glasgow Climate Summit continued this week emitting some earth shattering developments on the climate crisis front. Not really!! The climate clowns just dumped massive amounts of carbon into the air, and have accomplished nothing. Some countries have brought more than 100 attendees.

“It’s all very well for leaders to claim they have a net zero target, but if they have no plans as to how to get there, and their 2030 targets are as low as so many of them are, then frankly, these ‘net zero’ targets are just lip service to real climate action,” said Bill Hare, CEO of Climate Analytics, one of the organizations behind the CAT. “Under “business as usual”, without any of the new pledges, the world would warm up by 2.7 degrees Celsius this century,” CAT said.

CAT said on Tuesday, “that the promises by countries attending the U.N. summit in Glasgow to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 would still allow the Earth to heat up far beyond the United Nations target by 2100. New national pledges to tackle climate change this decade would lead to around 2.4 degrees Celsius of global warming this century, far above safe levels,” analysts predict.

The biggest genius among them, Joe Biden. He killed another pipeline yesterday, as well as, another 1,222 people in the US from COVID. Killing pipelines that created a first in history energy independent America under Trump, but Biden begs OPEC to produce more oil. Huh?

Anyway, back to climate. Rather than rigorously pursue mitigation and adaption technologies, our climate idiots in the US, led by the biggest moron ever to sit in the White House in Joe Biden (he also holds the record as the President responsible for the most COVID deaths in America), would rather make empty net zero pledges and move the global warmth needle by .3 degrees Celsius? What’s the point?

Killing pipelines, killing jobs, killing wallets with >$ 4.00 gasoline and heating oil. What a President! Stand-up round of applause.

Meanwhile in Glasgow, Biden farted on the Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla Parker Bowles. According to the Daily Mail, since his massive carbon footprint eruption, Camilla hasn’t stopped talking about it. Good Morning Britain on Tuesday couldn’t hold it together with laughter. WATCH HERE. Maybe this is Biden’s new wind technology proposal?

A new USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll surveyed last week found that a plurality of U.S. voters want Joe Biden out of office in 2022 as his approval rating continues to fall to new lows. In the next year, 20% of surveyed respondents want Joe Biden to resign. One can only hope.

China, Russia, Domestic Policy, authoritarian mandates, tax, spend, Afghanistan, inflation, ALL prices up, worker shortages, and now farting on Britain’s Royalty. Can we as a country be any more weak, any more embarrassed by this moron.