Let’s Go Brandon!

“If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit and you’re not going to die.”

“[If vaccinated people do] catch the virus, but they are not likely to get sick.”

Then, related to the Delta variant, “These vaccines cover Delta.” If vaccinated, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have vaccinations.”

Who made these ridiculous comments? Trump or Biden. I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count!

Joe “Lets go Brandon” Biden!

More people have died in America under Biden than Trump. From January 1, 2021 to October 6th, 2021 COVID deaths surpassed 353,000. About 1,000 more deaths than in all of 2020 under Donald Trump, according to the CDC. With two months to go in 2021, COVID kills by Joe Biden will have far surpassed the murderer that the media pegged on Donald Trump.

We all remember the media and every Democrat in the country called for the impeachment of Trump for all the mistakes, whacky things said, cavalier approach in the early days – we all remember the MONSTER that was Trump. The Xenophobe, the racist, the misinformation factory, pick one – when it came to COVID the media printed it.

Trump didn’t have the benefit of the vaccines until the last month of his Presidency. Do you remember Camel Harris’ comment on the campaign trail? “If the doctors tell me to take the vaccine I’ll take it, if Donald Trump tells me to take, I ain’t takin’ it!” Biden even has the benefit of the vaccines – more than a million doses per day of the vaccine were going into arms at the time Biden was inaugurated. He had the Delta surge in late summer, but I just shared above what he said about Delta – “C’mon man! Get vaxxed!” However, according to the CDC, the 7-day moving average in September 2021, the height of the Delta surge, was higher than September 2020.

Nothing Biden has done has changed the COVID game. Nothing. In fact, Trump’s vaccine efforts has done more to save lives than the faith the country has given to Biden to “end COVID.” The only constant throughout the pandemic, the only largely confused and self-contradicting voice has been Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Anthony Fauci January 2020, COVID is a “very, very low risk to the United States.”

Anthony Fauci March 2020, “Mask aren’t really effective in keeping out the virus.” Now vaccinated people should still wear masks, and in some cases, “Two or three masks, goggles or eye shields.”

Starting in May 2020 and throughout this pandemic to date, Dr. Fauci was a leading voice suggesting that “the pandemic couldn’t possibly have leaked from a Wuhan lab.” You’ve all seen the sparring matches in Congress between Rand Paul and Sir Anthony Fauci. “Sir, Senator Paul (new york drawl), you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Neither do you Fauci, unless you’re lying. I think it’s a little of both. The NIH recently admitted to funding gain of function research in the Wuhan China Lab. A grant approved by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), of which Fauci is the Director, was given by the NIH to EcoHealth to conduct experiments in the Wuhan Lab to make viruses more dangerous. “Fauci lied, people died.” Famous chant.

But, even in the face of all this evidence of impropriety from Fauci and the Biden Administration, and despite the minute-by-minute disdain aimed at Trump for killing thousands of people for his negligence in handling the coronavirus, which is still published today, has Joe Biden received the same press? The vilification, the cries for impeachment, the calls to ban him from Twitter and Facebook? NOPE. Biden just goes ahead and brings twelve dopes to Europe, dumping hoards of carbon all over the place to get there on their private planes only to have China and Russia no show to the colossally stupid Climate Summit at the G20. And the media praises follow.