Media Disinformation

So who lies to the American public more, Russia or the Media? We’ve all come accustomed to the left narrative that Russia pumps the airwaves with a disinformation campaign for just about any political talking point. But how about your mainstream media? Let’s not forget, the 80+ Million people that voted for the geriatric idiot that is now our President gets their information through the lens of a minimum seven, count ’em, SEVEN outlets that also pump the airwaves with disinformation. CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, the NY Times. Those are just the largest gang of seven – LA Times, NPR, BBC among many others spew enough lies into the minds of the liberal public – they’ve got Russia beat going away!!

Well, I will have you know, there’s an article over at CNN today talking about the mush mouth administration inheriting a nonexistent vaccination distribution plan from the Trump administration.

It’s aggravating to read crap like this. How do you unify and reach across the aisle when media powerhouses like CNN exalt lies? Here’s another link over at Bloomberg that is their vaccination distribution tracker:

So help me understand this correctly, the Trump Administration and the States have distributed 17 Million shots across the country since December 14th, and an average of 912,000 vaccinations per day. No distribution plan? Really?

Mr. Joe Biden (D), mumbler in chief, also wants to distribute 100 Million vaccines in his first 100 days. Hmmm… the no plan Trump Administration is averaging 912,000 per day. So the Biden plan is to increase vaccination distribution by 88,000 per day. WOW!! What a stretch! This Administration of “firsts”, record breaking, historic, unifying new normal is really over extending itself and bringing a real plan to CRUSH COVID! What a joke.

I bet we’re going to quickly find out this new $1.2T spending bill to increase vaccination distribution (among other porky items) will SLOW DOWN distribution and not increase it by a paltry 88,000 per day!