“Not new law, reversing bad policy” – Uh that’s new law, Joe!

Who needs Congress when you have an autocrat like Joe Biden. Biden has signed 44 Executive Orders and memorandums as of January 29th. Nine days in office, 44 Executive actions. No Congress, all Joe. Everyone called Trump a dictator, but Trump signed 5 inside of the same timeframe. 5! If you thought you were getting a moderate in the White House, think again .. you’ve got yourself a FAR LEFT Dictator. To the 81 Million+ voters, way to go!

Here’s a rundown of all the Executive actions our new monocratic leader is imposing on the American public:

Rejoin Paris Climate Agreement. Nothing in the Paris Climate Accord is enforceable. A country can provide a global stocktake commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 2028 (first checkpoint for countries’ commitments) and miss it, and all this agreement does is BURY all the economies who try to achieve their goal. The agreement does the opposite of what any multinational agreement sets out to achieve. There’s no penalties associated EXCEPT by trying to achieve a climate goal in 2028, it eliminates jobs TODAY. Just ask all the workers on the Keystone XL pipeline. The Paris agreement is just another weak agreement to keep China from saying, “If the largest economies in the world aren’t doing it, why should I.” Global stocktakes aren’t due until 2023, we shall see what everyone turns in as their self-governed climate targets. “It’s true that if the U.S. acts solo, we will see little impact.” said, Professor Tim Profeta of Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions.

Executive Order to promote racial equity in the Federal Government. Executive Order No. 10925 signed in May 1961 by John F. Kennedy was the first Executive Order that brought Affirmative Action to the US Government. After having a black President for 8 years and now a black Vice President, some 60 years later we still can’t get our shit together inside the Federal government?

Proclamation ending ban on U.S. entry from majority-Muslim countries. This Proclamation revokes three Trump-era Proclamations that addressed the improvement, enhancement, and maintaining of the United States’ vetting capabilities and process for detecting terrorist entry into the United States. Good thing right? Why revoke that? This also revokes the travel ban of all nationals from North Korea and Syria, by nationals from Iran except on student or exchange visitors visas, by nationals from Libya on immigrant, tourist, or business visas, by nationals of Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Somalia on immigrant visas, by nationals of Sudan and Tanzania on diversity visas, and by some government officials from Venezuela on tourist or business visas. Whether you like it or not, travel restrictions from most of these countries is justified. Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria may be overkill. But, our intelligence officials at the time stated terrorism intelligence collaboration from all these countries was limited and posed a risk. Prove it otherwise, I say, erring on the side of caution shouldn’t be perceived a bad thing. Biden says these restrictions pose a national security threat – uh how?

Executive order requiring mask-wearing on federal property. Immediately after signing this Executive Order, Biden, Harris, many government officials and family members went to an inauguration party at the Lincoln Memorial and were not wearing masks. As Joe says, “lead by example, c’mon man!”

Executive order coordinating a government-wide Covid-19 response. This one is interesting. In a speech two days ago, Biden more or less admitted that a million vaccines per day (I previously wrote about this but once again we’re already injecting at least a million a day) is already being achieved, and that the US vaccine distribution system delivered under the Trump Administration (although he doesn’t really say that) could actually achieve 1.5 Million a day. I just checked the Bloomberg tracker – we’re at 1.26 Million per day. Hmmmm! Sliding scale anyone? Lucy and the football prank?

Executive order revising immigration enforcement policies. Maybe there’s a different more creative piece of legislation that Biden and his Democrat lawmakers will introduce to punish state and local governments from shielding undocumented immigrants from deportation, and actually enforcing the law. Oh wait, he’s already introduced a $1.9T spending package that includes funding for poorly governed states like New York and California, so probably not!

Executive order undoing regulatory restrictions on federal agencies. This one revokes Executive Order 13771 (Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs) – yeah let’s increase regulation and NOT control costs – REVOKED! This also revokes Executive Order 13777 (Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda) – Trump’s order to lower regulatory burdens on the American people by implementing and enforcing regulatory reform – REVOKED! Biden’s order also revokes Executive Order 13875 (Evaluating and Improving the Utility of Federal Advisory Committees) – Trump wanted to eliminate some fat in the government. Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) it’s estimated over 920 committees are active providing advice and counsel to some 50 Federal agencies – REVOKED! .. and Executive Order 13891 (Promoting the Rule of Law Through Improved Agency Guidance Documents) – allows “Americans are subject to only those binding rules imposed through duly enacted statutes or through regulations lawfully promulgated under them” – Biden, “You’ll abide by any laws I tell you you need to abide by, not Congress!” – REVOKED! … and Executive Order 13892 (Promoting the Rule of Law Through Transparency and Fairness in Civil Administrative Enforcement and Adjudication) – fact check true, “some agency practices with respect to enforcement actions and adjudications undermine the APA’s goals of promoting accountability and ensuring fairness.” – Biden, “Transparency? By that do you mean the translucent liner of my diaper?” – REVOKED! .. and Executive Order 13893 (Increasing Government Accountability for Administrative Actions by Reinvigorating Administrative PAYGO) – Trump’s original order “required each executive department and agency to include one or more proposals for reducing mandatory spending whenever an agency proposes to undertake a discretionary administrative action that would increase mandatory spending.” – Biden, “Nope! I want to break the back of the American people!” – REVOKED!

Executive order incorporating undocumented immigrants into census. More votes for the D’s and gerrymandering – that’s all this one is about. Ensuring these crazy left wing whacko’s stay in power!

Executive order refocusing on the climate crisis and canceling the Keystone XL permit. 11,000 US jobs and 1,000 Canadian jobs eliminated with the stroke of a pen. There was a major party in the streets of Saudi Arabia when this was signed. Gas prices UP! Biden and Harris said Americans can adjust and will fill the jobs created by renewable energy. Last I checked 90% of all photovoltaic manufacturing is based in China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Taiwan. In the US we just surpassed 2 Million solar deployments. There are 75 million single family homes in the US, and just over 5 Million commercial buildings. Kind of a thin market for pipeline workers to move over to solar. Here in my state the far left radical Governor Ned Lamont wants to kill the natural gas powered Killingly Energy Center in favor of wind farms. My opinion, until renewable energy is truly an alternative, killing fossil fuel jobs by executive fiat is lunacy.

Executive order banning discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. The scariest line in this order, “Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports.” Discrimination of any kind is awful human behavior, however this order tells female athletes they don’t matter, suck it up, you have no voice. There has to be more practical legislation here – biology matters.

Memorandum revamping regulatory review. This order basically reaffirms Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993 (Regulatory Planning and Review), and in Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review), which instructs the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to perform Executive branch regulatory reviews. Maybe this is just what all Presidents do?

Executive order mandating ethics pledge for government appointees. This was Trump’s way of F’ing with Biden. In his last moments as President, Trump reversed his own Executive Order banning Executive branch employees lobbying their former agency. So, Biden had to reinstitute the ethics commitment. Ha! Kind of funny.

Proclamation pulling funds from border wall. C’mon on in you lying, dog faced pony soldiers!

Executive order pausing federal student loan payments. Why stop there!? Relieve all debt, guarantee everyone a minimum income, free healthcare, shit just start throwing money out of the Federal Reserve windows …

Memorandum reinstating deferred enforced departure for Liberians. I didn’t even know this was a “thing.” But at least he’s consistent on immigration.

Memorandum strengthening Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. You knew this was coming. Open the southern border, revoke all Trump era travel bans, include illegal aliens into the census, hug the Liberians, and now this one. No joke – with all these immigration orders, the Democrat vote count in the next Presidential election will top 100 Million, EASY! What’s next – Executive Orders making DC and Puerto Rico states, eliminate the filibuster, and expanding the Supreme Court. There’s no end to what Democrats will do to remain in power.

Executive order promoting Covid-19 safety in domestic and international travel. We’re already doing this Joe! But here sign this – it’ll make you look like you’re doing something! This is the Order to require mask wearing on all forms of travel.

Executive order expanding access to Covid-19 treatments. Can’t argue with this one, but I don’t know how much we’re doing this already. Eh why not! Can’t hurt … well, can you feel the dollar getting more washed out in value? You can just feel it can’t you?!

Executive order promoting data-driven response to Covid-19. Another one that can’t hurt. Just print more money, cause if you’re going to replace the largest technology footprint in the world, it’ll cost ya!

Memorandum supporting states’ use of National Guard in Covid-19 response. Not sure how the National Guard can protect us from the Coronavirus.

Executive order strengthening public health supply chain. Invoking the Defense Production Act – is it needed? Maybe. Can’t hurt. Cha Ching!

Executive order establishing the Covid-19 Health Equity Task Force. The virus doesn’t know your race. It wants to kill it’s host regardless of race. Science has taught us that blacks are more susceptible to the disease for various health, social, and geographical reasons. I think this is a good one for scientific reasons, but the liberal intent of this Order is loud and clear!

Executive order supporting the reopening and continuing operation of schools. I don’t care how much money you sink into making the schools “safe”, the teachers unions are holding up the reopening of schools. Also, Biden almost appointed Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, as Education Secretary. So this Order makes absolutely no sense since Biden is a massive leftist when it comes to labor unions! The AFT is steadfastly opposed to opening schools so their lazy teachers can continue to desecrate the educational foundation of children across America, and continue to collect tax payer dollars for wildly overpaid salaries.

Executive order promoting workplace safety amid the pandemic. More mask wearing mandates or “promotionism”. Government reach is never ending!

Executive order establishing a Covid-19 pandemic testing board. Where was all this pandemic focus during the H1N1 swine flu in 2009? 60 Million people contracted the disease in the US. Obama and Biden did virtually nothing but get lucky that that thing wasn’t very deadly. By comparison, there are currently 25 Million known cases of COVID in the US.

Executive order expanding food assistance programs. I like this one actually. It’s in line with helping families get food for their children through the education system. However, the Trump Administration signed SNAP increases of 15% in December 2020 for the months of January 2021 to June 2021. So again, is Biden doing anything different here? No. Expanding? It’s not really detailed what exactly that means.

Executive order assisting veterans with debt. Anyone benefitting from the left’s debt elimination or deferment programs is good for them, sure.

Executive order guaranteeing unemployment insurance for workers who refuse work due to Covid-19. Biden wants the Labor Department to re-examine rules for workers who “have a federally guaranteed right to refuse employment that will jeopardize their health.” The Order wants benefits to continue to qualify should they refuse work. COVID is a scary thing for some people, I get it, but when you’re making more on unemployment versus getting a job – can you blame them for refusing work? Hopefully this will only apply to the pandemic. Extending this as a permanent law would introduce some serious abuses.

Executive order establishing “benefit delivery teams”. Creating teams to manage State and Federal agencies seems something is seriously broken beyond COVID.

Executive order facilitating delivery of stimulus payments. Eeesh! An Order designed to get the Treasury Department to move money to the American people faster and more efficiently – even standing up online technologies to support the effort. I just went to the Treasuries’ website – nothing there.

Executive order to address Covid-19 economic relief. Eeesh part deux! “All Federal agencies – go see if we can make the economy better.” Formally here’s the call to action: “Agencies should specifically consider actions that facilitate better use of data and other means to improve access to, reduce unnecessary barriers to, and improve coordination among programs funded in whole or in part by the Federal Government.” The PPP debacle was not a process issue, it was a funding issue and still is. I’ve written about this before (see my post, The Party of Priority), when the Democrats are crying for millions to go to Pakistan, the Dalai Lama, Cambodia, Nepal, Burma, the Ukraine, Sudan and the Kennedy Center for the Arts … um, maybe those millions should be going to funding the PPP!

Executive order empowering federal workers and contractors. Among other things, this is the tip of the far left agenda – the preverbal $15 minimum wage! By all available evidence, if employers will have to adopt this trend now set by the Government, this will CRUSH small business and eliminate millions of jobs. Not at all following economic science here Joe! This Order also reinstates the long-term failures of the merit system principles. A survey in 2016 (prior to Trump) of federal workers proved less than 25% of Federal employees believed leadership didn’t address poor-performers adequately. Also, Trump’s intent with his Order was to address performance accountability for employees in policy-making positions. Biden’s Order reverses this approach and rewards poor-performers. The long running joke is those workers who sucked in the private sector, excel in the public sector (i.e, Anthony Fauci).

Executive order reversing transgender military ban. This was an easy one to expect. Interesting too though, the Obama/Biden Administration allowed this ban for their full 8 years in office. More on transgender issues later in this article.

Proclamation reinstating Covid-19 travel restrictions. An Executive Order banning travel for non-US citizens from Brazil, South Africa and many parts of Europe. One word, xenophobe!

Executive order promoting ‘Buy American’ agenda. Biden has been critical of Trump’s “American” spending. And I have to agree. A small increase of 3.6% from 2016 to 2019 spending $7.8 Billion in 2019 from $6 Billion in Obama’s last year in office. However, it remains to be seen if Biden’s order will achieve much difference. Administrations since the Great Depression have mandated Federal agencies “buy American”, but there’s been no real dramatic “buying” going on.

Executive order calling for evaluation of Trump’s housing policies. According to the US Census Bureau Black homeownership declined from Q1 2009 at 46.1% to 41.7% in Q4 2016. Under Trump black homeownership grew from Q1 2017 at 42.7% to 46.4% in Q3 2020 (most recent available stat). Not to bore everyone with stats, but these rates are essentially mirrored for any race you want to research, Hispanic, Asian, and all other races. Here’s the link to the Census Bureau Data.

Executive order to end reliance on private prisons. In a September 2020 study by Cornell University it’s estimated it costs $10,000 per year per inmate less to incarcerate that inmate in a private prison versus a public, government operated prison. There are over 133,000 inmates in private prison’s compared to 2.3 Million total incarcerations in the US. There’s no discernable decrease in recidivism rates for those inmates released from private or public prison’s. Conditions in private prisons are very blight, and their operations are more of an ethics issue than a justice issue.

Executive order reaffirming commitment to tribal sovereignty. With this Administration you’ll hear terms like “Equity” and “Reparative Justice”. The focus on both terms is the same, eliminating systemic racism and providing reparations to those groups who have suffered harm due to Government actions or the repression from other groups. Well, whenever the Government creates legislation that seeks to provide better “Equity” to one group over another that’s called RACISM, in a form only the Government can get away with. If the Government should provide better “equity” or apply “reparative justice” to any group it should be the American Indian. We did steal their land. So this order, like Clinton’s before Biden, is a sham.

Executive order denouncing anti-Asian discrimination and xenophobia. Violence against anyone due to ignorance and intolerance should be condemned. I just don’t see the point of the Order, when there are laws already on the books that protect and prosecute these crimes.

Executive order initiating plan to combat climate change. Chuck Shumer said it best, “Buckle up!” He’s right! Say goodbye to your wallet, say goodbye to this democracy, and say hello to all things true about the radical left. A widely used statistic cites that even if the US were to achieve all climate goals of the Biden administration (carbon neutral by 2050), the global climate emissions would only reduce by less than 1%. Harvard economics professor Martin Feldstein offered some numbers to back up a similar opinion, “Since the U.S. share of global CO2 production is now less than 25 percent (and is projected to decline as China and other developing nations grow), a 15 percent fall in U.S. CO2 output would lower global CO2 output by less than 4 percent,” he wrote in a Washington Post op-ed. “Its impact on global warming would be virtually unnoticeable.” The Keystone workers immediate firing is just the tip of the iceberg. Biden doesn’t have the backbone to hold off the most radical, left wing members of his party. Claims of systemic racism and climate change will define policies that will be the undoing of all that was once American democracy.

Executive order re-establishing presidential council on science and technology. This order creates the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). This council will consist of no more than 26 members from sectors outside the Federal government appointed by the President. Imagine trying to get anything accomplished having 26 voices in your head? And, I’m curious who Biden will hand pick as experts in the areas of “science, technology, and innovation.” Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg? These two masters of cancel culture! Certainly not Parler founder John Matze! The order also goes on to say that the PCAST will advise the President on policies affecting “economy, worker empowerment, education, energy, the environment, public health, national and homeland security, racial equity, and other topics.” “Uh Mr. Biden we created an innovative new technology to promote more racial equity in the US – it’s supported by SCIENCE!” Ugh!

Memorandum on scientific integrity. Ummm?

Executive order reinforcing Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act. The long tent in the pole! Here it is – get rid of private insurance, medicare for all, socialized medicine. Call it what you want, but here’s another Executive order coming after your civil liberties.

Memorandum expanding access to reproductive health care. Just a “cleaner, more articulate” way to say “abortions for everyone.” Abortion is a state issue, the Federal government shouldn’t be involved. Roe v. Wade should be thrown away – let the states handle abortion policy. We also shouldn’t be giving tax payer funding for abortions in other countries. 12,000 people lost their jobs directly as a result of Biden’s EO’s. We shouldn’t be giving money to foreign governments for abortions – it should go directly into the pockets of those Americans Joe just canceled!


a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force.

a person who behaves in an autocratic way.

Similar: autocrat, monocrat, absolute ruler, tyrant, despot, oppressor, absolutist, totalitarian, authoritarian, supremo, Big Brother, autarch.

“Buckle up!” – Sen. Chuck Schumer circa 2020.