Jayapal is just another Democrat liar!

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), chairwoman of the Progressive Caucus, claimed during an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” with Margaret Brennan on Sunday that Democrats’ $3.5 trillion social spending bill is a “zero-dollar bill because it’s going to be completely paid for with taxes on the wealthiest and the largest corporations.”

The sad part about statements like these that are so often made and never held accountable, is that she and Biden and Harris and Pelosi and Schumer all know their Democrat constituents aren’t interested in doing a little research or could care less about the tax facts Jayapal is lying about. They rely on the laziness of their Democrat sheep. Even if the Animal Farm’s sheep know Jayapal’s and Biden’s statements are lies, they don’t care what these massive spending bills do to the economy. Sure they’re pissed gas is at $3.50 a gallon- up from a $1.99 when Trump was President, or going bankrupt trying to buy food. But, hey, free stuff is coming – they think. I would love to do some serious digging into this spending bill and see how much actually reaches the real Americans that need help. Maybe next piece?

Facts remain, the US Government outlays $6.8 Trillion a year. Revenues are $3.0 Trillion a year. Follow me – the US GDP is $21 Trillion a year. Jayapal, and the rest of the lying Biden Administration, claim this social spending bill is paid for by raising taxes on the “wealthiest” Americans and the “largest” corporations – whatever that means. According to the Tax Policy Center, US Individual Income Taxes accounted for 8.1% of GDP in 2019 or about $1.7 Trillion, and corporate income taxes accounted for about 1.1% of GDP in 2019 or $231 Billion. Combined that’s roughly $2.0 Trillion. Rough, logical math would seem to suggest that even if you double corporate and individual income taxes, that’s only $4 Trillion; still $2.8 Trillion from a balanced budget. So how is a $3.5 Trillion bill “paid for”?
