Today’s Thoughts

Eversource is proving to be one of the best energy providers in the country, even in the face of self-imposed carbon goals that may have negative economic effects on consumers of their services. Still working on this post, but think about this – coal is making a comeback. And, there’s a space race of sorts in the development of carbon capture technology – 40 years in the making but we’re in a sprint here in the last mile. My opinion of course. More to come…

Still confused how our government and many corporations in America operating under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 continue to discriminate in broad daylight. The color of your skin, your sexual orientation, your gender – biological or otherwise identified – these things actually matter. Quotas still exist and while some groups complain that other groups still receive more “equity”, it is increasingly obvious and out in the open which groups are being discriminated against. What corporations and our government are doing is illegal, but no one cares.

The socialist movement continues it’s destruction of the “American Way”. One way to destroy a country and cause it’s break-up is to use one of it’s classic pieces of art to turn against the countries’ principle’s of pride. Altering Superman’s slogan from “Truth, Justice, and the American Way” and replacing it with “Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow”, screams continued hatred of America from the far left.

Psaki and the Biden Administration welcome the “competition” of China and their development of weapons that will kill many American’s in a matter of minutes. It’s hard to think the American military intelligence missed China’s successful development of hypersonic missiles. Intelligence agencies and/or the Biden Administration as a whole “missed” the Taliban’s capabilities – this latest China “miss” should come as no surprise.

China is demonstrating more communist patriotism than American’s are practicing nationalist pride in this country. Biden and Harris can’t respect the accomplishments of the European Explorers by celebrating Christopher Columbus further demonizing America’s founding. Just one example of many that there is a strengthening China and a weakened America.

Trump is wrong to criticize Colin Powell. It’s one thing to not agree with the Iraq war, it’s a far greater tragedy to criticize a dead man for mistakes made in the engagement of that conflict. Trump isn’t alone is this trampling of a grave – the entire establishment media is doing the same in every single article about Powell’s death. MSNBC: “Colin Powell’s legacy will always be tainted by his worst mistake.” Dirty!

According to the IRS, 501(c)3 law prohibits political campaigning by churches – the law defines 501(c)3 organizations as one “which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.” So why does our government consistently ignore the law while Kamala Harris creates video campaigns supporting Terry McAuliffe’s Virginia Governor’s bid to be played in 300 black churches throughout Virginia through election day, and Stacey Abrams speaking to attendees at Second Calvary Baptist Church and Faith Deliverance Christian Center? Why should American’s have to follow the law when the government does not!?

Early prediction: Biden’s first State of the Union speech will be so marred with chaos and “boo’s” that finally the 80+ Million Democrats will finally see who they elected. A pair of moron’s on the precipice of destroying America.