Everett Dirksen

California’s ethnic studies curriculum was released last month on it’s third pass. The purpose of teaching Californian public education students is “highlighting the contributions of minorities in the development of California and the United States” and helping students become “global citizens with an appreciation for the contributions of multiple cultures.”…

Herman Cain

I encourage you to watch Larry Elder’s documentary called “Uncle Tom”. It’s an excellent expose about black self-empowerment and rejecting the victim narrative. From Larry’s website, “In a collection of intimate interviews with some of America’s most provocative black conservative thinkers, Uncle Tom takes a different look at being black…

“Coal is back!”

“Mr. Trump, Not even close!” says Cecil Roberts, President of the United Mine Workers of America. My brother is a dangerous, far left lover of autocrats like Joe Biden. He wanted me to research and write about lies Trump told middle America, in particular the coal industry. So here goes!…

Media Disinformation

So who lies to the American public more, Russia or the Media? We’ve all come accustomed to the left narrative that Russia pumps the airwaves with a disinformation campaign for just about any political talking point. But how about your mainstream media? Let’s not forget, the 80+ Million people that…

The Party of Unity

“I will work to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify. I won’t see red states and blue states, I will always see the United States.” – Joe Biden, circa he doesn’t know because his mind is mush! Once they put the gimp back into his box,…

Capitol Hypocrisy

Democrats since the 2000 presidential election have done EXACTLY what Republican lawmakers were trying to do yesterday in Congress. After Republican victories in 2000, 2004 and 2016, for instance, Democrats in Congress used the formal counting of electoral votes as an opportunity to challenge election results. During a press conference…


Just a side note, I threw up twice writing this piece! Elle Magazine has a story about Vice Liar-Elect Camel Harris, a disgusting article I might add. Any article that starts out with a lie, just can’t be anything but nonsense, and a clear illustration of the biases in the…

E-woman-uel Cleaver

Emanuel Cleaver is finding new fame today after ending his opening prayer of the 117th Congress saying “Amen and A-woman”. “And dare I ask, oh Lord, peace even in this chamber now and evermore,” Cleaver said while serving as guest House chaplain. “We ask it in the name of the…